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My existence  mainly revolves around waste, wasting time when I could be doing things of note, worthwhile, making a slight difference to this mundane life, I am pretty much a boring version of my younger self.
I truly believe that one day I will finish something started, a mind full of ideas, stories & tales to tell, incomplete, unfinished lay in tatters in draws & bins.
I am not interested in changing, & there lies my problem for I must change if I am to finish, if you follow my blog to find out how it all ends; my advice would be don’t – there will be no end, a good start; yes, an interesting middle section; yes.
Lover of words, unfortunately I do not know enough to share the experience, a lack of schooling/education has held me down, slave like to my class/roots.
Luckily I am not interested in striving for anything like perfection, I will, however, settle for very little.

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